Get connected in Argentina
Country contact:
Click here to email our country contact in Argentina.
Gender identity laws in Argentina:
There is a Gender Identity Law in Argentina since 2012. It allows for changing the birth certificate without a mental condition diagnosis, surgical reassignment, or treatment of any kind, just expressing the desire to do it. There have been many cases of children under the age of 6 with gender identity changed. Blockers are used from 11 years old and hormonal treatments from 13 years old. If parents disagree, the judge may authorise the transition under the principle of the best interest of the child.
Latest news and information:
13 February 2023: WDI Argentina have sent CEDAW, a Report on the political representation of Women in Argentina for the "Half-day general discussion on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems -- General discussion on EIRWDMS". It analyses the electoral legislation and its implementation's effect on women's sex-based rights. The report was written by a lawyer who is part of WDI Argentina's team. Click here to read the report (in Spanish)
January 2023 Click here to read an alternative report to the Eighth Periodic Report of Argentina to CEDAW (In Spanish)
"Lo que la prensa no dijo: Argentina, primer país en legalizar el aborto sin «mujeres»"- click the link to read this article by Maria Binetti in Tribuna Feminista
Argentina - the first country to legalise abortion without women - click the link to read this article by Maria Binetti
Click here to read an article about the proposal of legislation in Argentina to abolish any mention to "sex" in official documents written by a prominent Spanish feminist.
Campaña Argentina por el Reconocimiento de los Derechos de las Mujeres en base al Sexo