Frequently Asked Questions
WDI, like other organisations that fight for women’s sex-based rights, sometimes finds itself the subject of unfounded attacks. These FAQs answer some of them, plus other frequently asked questions.
The Declaration erases trans people:
Affirming women’s human rights as based on sex cannot ‘erase’ anyone.
WDI/Declaration believes that trans people should not exist:
The Declaration does argue that men with a female 'gender identity' should not be included in the category women in the context of women’s human rights. It is unreasonable hyperbole to suggest that this can cause any person not to exist.
There is no conflict between women’s rights and trans-rights:
The Declaration states quite clearly that there is a conflict and gives many examples where this is the case such as the placing of men who are violent sex offenders in women’s prisons, and the inclusion of men in women’s sporting competitions.
Declaration solely focused on stigmatising transpeople/removing their rights:
The Declaration does argue that men with a female 'gender identity' should not be included in the category women in the context of women’s human rights. It is unreasonable to suggest that promoting women’s rights ‘stigmatises’ any group of men, or removes rights from them.
WDI/the Declaration is anti-trans/transphobic:
The Declaration does not contain any insults towards men with female 'gender identities' except to say that they cannot be included in the category of women in relation to human rights without threatening the rights of women. This may make such men feel uncomfortable but is not ‘transphobic’.
WDI refers to trans people as parasites:
This word does not appear in the Declaration or any publications by WDI.
The Declaration takes rights from trans people:
See above. The Declaration argues that men who have female 'gender identities' should not be included in the category of women in relation to human rights. Men who consider themselves ‘trans’ hold all the other rights that men have always possessed. Those are not taken away. WDI considers that all persons who act in ways which do not conform with sex stereotypes should be protected from discrimination.
WDI are monsters/fascists/is a hate group:
There is nothing hateful about women seeking to protect their sex-based rights. This might make some men feel uncomfortable, but it is quite an overreaction to call feminists monsters/fascists.
WDI/the Declaration are funded by/linked to US far right groups:
There is no truth in this. Please indicate your sources.
WDI is campaigning against minority rights:
WDI is seeking to reaffirm the human rights of women as set out in UN documents. There is no campaigning against any other group of persons.
WDI is anti-rights:
WDI is seeking to reaffirm the human rights of women as set out in UN documents. There is no campaigning against any other group of persons.
WDI is anti-LGBTQ:
WDI is seeking to reaffirm the human rights of women as set out in UN documents. There is no campaigning against any other group of persons. Men who consider themselves ‘trans’ hold all the other rights that men have always possessed. Those are not taken away. WDI considers that all persons who act in ways which do not conform with sex stereotypes should be protected from discrimination.
When was the Declaration launched?
In March 2019.
Is Women's Declaration International as radical feminist organisation?
The Declaration originates in radical feminist ideas. Many of our activists and signatories are radical feminists but others do not define themselves that way.