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Two recent articles from Il Folgio written by Marina Terragni, translated by Zanne D'Aglio. Reproduced here by kind permission of the author via Radfem Italia.

'Personal self-defense against the hardcore empire is no longer enough. We need something else.' Marina Terragni for Il Foglio - 24th Aug 2023

'Take These Tits' Marina Terragni for Il Foglio - 6th September 2023

An update from Italy, January 2023

The Italian Psychoanalytic Society has spoken against puberty blockers stating that blockers have serious contraindications on a physical and emotional level and that, in any case, sex cannot be changed. ( )

Statements such as this are important because the general attitude toward gender ideology is not established only by laws, but also by specific policies issued by various institutions, associations, workplaces.

To the kind attention of the Minister of Health, Minister Prof. Orazio Schillaci,

The Executive Commetee of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society declare great concern about the use of drugs aimed at producing an arrest of pubertal development in youth of both sexes who have been diagnosed with 'gender dysphoria', i.e. not recognising themselves in their biological sex.
Contraindications to this treatment must be seriously considered.
The diagnosis of 'gender dysphoria' in prepubertal age is based on the statements of the individuals concerned and cannot be subject to careful evaluation while the development of sexual identity is still in progress.
Only a minority of youth who state that they do not identify with their gender confirm this position in adolescence, after puberty.
To suspend or prevent a person's psychosexual development pending the maturation of a stable identity definition, is at odds with the fact that this development is a central factor in the definition process.
Even in cases where the declared 'gender dysphoria' in prepuberty is confirmed in adolescence, the developmental arrest cannot result in a body that is sexually different from the original one. The sexual development of one's own body, even when it contradicts an opposite internal orientation, allows an erotic fulfilment that a 'blocked' or manipulated body does not offer.
The current experimentation eludes careful scientific evaluation accompanied by in-depth reflection on psychic development and gives rise to serious misgivings. It is important to initiate a rigorous scientific discussion on the issue of youth with gender problems, to which the Italian Psychoanalytic Society will gladly contribute.

On behalf of the Executive of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society
The President Sarantis Thanopulos

Alla cortese attenzione del Ministro della Salute Ministro prof. Orazio Schillaci,

L’ esecutivo della Società Psicoanalitica Italiana esprime grande preoccupazione per l’uso di farmaci finalizzato a produrre un arresto dello sviluppo puberale in ragazzi di entrambi i sessi a cui è stata diagnosticata una “disforia di genere”, cioè il non riconoscersi nel proprio sesso biologico.

Vanno seriamente considerate le controindicazioni a questo trattamento:

La diagnosi di “disforia di genere” in età prepuberale è basata sulle affermazioni dei soggetti interessati e non può essere oggetto di un’attenta valutazione finché lo sviluppo dell’identità sessuale è ancora in corso.

Solo una parte minoritaria dei ragazzi che dichiarano di non identificarsi con il loro sesso conferma questa posizione nell’adolescenza, dopo la pubertà.

Sospendere o prevenire lo sviluppo psicosessuale di un soggetto, in attesa della maturazione di una sua definizione identitaria stabile, è in contraddizione con il fatto che questo sviluppo è un fattore centrale del processo della definizione.

Anche nei casi in cui la dichiarata “disforia di genere” in età prepuberale si confermi in adolescenza, l’arresto dello sviluppo non può sfociare in un corpo diverso, sotto il profilo sessuale, da quello originario. Lo sviluppo sessuale del proprio corpo anche quando contraddice un opposto orientamento interno consente un appagamento erotico che un corpo “bloccato” o manipolato non offre.

La sperimentazione in atto elude un’attenta valutazione scientifica accompagnata da un’approfondita riflessione sullo sviluppo psichico e suscita forti perplessità. È importante avviare sulla questione dei ragazzi con problematiche di genere una rigorosa discussione scientifica a cui la Società Psicoanalitica Italiana darà il suo contributo volentieri.

A nome dell’esecutivo della Società Psicoanalitica Italiana

Il presidente

Sarantis Thanopulos

An update from Italy, October 2021:

On 27th October 2021 the bill on homotransphobia, called ddl Zan (from the name of the first signatory), was stopped in the Senate (the second of the two chambers we have in Italy). It was rejected in a secret ballot after the proponents refused to discuss any amendment and gather a larger support for the bill.   Technically, the law cannot be tabled again for the next six months, practically, it will not be presented anymore because of other deadlines looming on the Italian political horizon.

It is sad that Italy does not have anti-discrimination protection for homosexual people, but it is good that this particular text has been rejected because its core was the concept of 'gender identity'.  The proponents of the bill preferred to fail totally homosexual people and let the bill go under instead of finding a solution which could have protected everyone without introducing 'gender identity'. 

For months we have explained to whomever wanted to listen that 'gender identity' is dangerous for women and that trans-identified people can be protected using other wordings (eg transexuality, transexual identity, gender stereotypes).  We hope that in the future we can have a better antidiscrimination bill which does not hinge on gender identity as a way to introduce surreptitiously self-id in Italy.

Clicca qui per avere novità su eventi femministi che si svolgeranno in Italia.

Webinar di lancio Italiano della Declaration on Women's Sex Based Rights

Lettere relative alla campagna della Lobby Europea delle Donne:

Lettere - Lobby Europea delle Donne.pages for Mac

Lettere - Lobby Europea delle Donne.docx for PC