Invitation to become a member of WDI

Dear Sister,
We are delighted to report that, a result of your support for the Declaration of Women’s Rights and the hard work of so many women volunteers committed to preserving women’s sex-based rights on a non-partisan basis, Women’s Declaration International has grown far beyond our early hopes.
We now have more than 35,000 signatories from all over the world. In addition, hundreds of women participate in our weekly women-only online Feminist Question Time programmes and webinars at weekend, as well as our in-person conferences and gatherings. With support from volunteers and donors, we have been able to produce and share video recordings of all our programs. Finally, our working groups and task forces have produced letters, platforms, policy proposals and organizational position papers that have been shared with numerous national and international organizations, legislative and/or judicial bodies.
Now we are looking to our sisterhood for support for a membership model in the future, so that we can do even more to advance women's sex-based rights in the face of gender identity ideology. We want to:
- increase the number of signatories to the Declaration to 50,000 by the end of 2023;
- create a task force to mount serious and effective opposition at the level of international organisations, including the EU and UN;
- strengthen the feminist barrier against more countries implementing gender self-ID;
- support women’s resistance to gender identity ideology globally via our webinars, education programmes and country contact structures
- create accessible online resources, including databases of international references and up-to-date information about the state of gender identity ideology across the globe;
- develop training resources to make us all more effective advocates for women’s rights.
If you are a woman, we invite you to join us as a "member" of the WDI sisterhood!
Membership is open to all women (adult human females 18 years and older) who oppose gender identity ideology and have signed the Declaration on Women's Sex-Based Rights.
When you become a member of WDI, you take a place in our international community of women working to advance women's rights in accordance with the principles we've all committed to in the Declaration. WDI members connect with like-minded women near and far, in their own countries and across the world, to share information and experiences, develop working relationships and skills, and use the power of our women's community to combat gender identity ideology.
To strengthen the WDI community and its political efforts, we offer members the following ways to develop and use the knowledge base, and organizational and advocacy skills we need as we continue our critical work:
- invitations to member-only webinars - we will have our first, special, member only webinar in September 2023;
- newsletter updates about WDI activities;
- online and in-person webinars about WDI’s latest policy and litigation initiatives;
- opportunities to participate in the surveys we use to develop programme content.
Our immediate new goals include increasing our numbers and initiating directed opposition in national and international forums.
How can YOU help? Become a donor member or an activist member, or both. You can be both.
Become a donor member -- ensure that we have sufficient funds to amplify our work
- Donate through our Patreon page (one-time or monthly donations are always needed and appreciated)
- Click here to become donor member via Patreon.
- Donate directly through our bank, HSBC (small or large amounts are always needed and appreciated)
- or set up a standing order to donate:
- Bank name: HSBC
- Sort code: 404527
- Account number: 02246856
- Account name: Women's Declaration International
- IBAN: GB70HBUK40452702246856
- If you donate via HSBC, please also email [email protected] to let us know your email and name.
Become an activist member -- you could do some or all of the following
- share the information you've learned in WDI webinars, presentations and FQT in conversations with family, friends and neighbours, or on social media
- let others know about WDI's video library of feminist conferences, conversations and book discussions
- use the skills you've gained through WDI training webinars (link to USA site) to participate in formal advocacy efforts led by WDI and other women's rights organizations
- buy and wear WDI clothes and merchandise from here to spread the message
Click here to become an activist member.