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July 25, 2019, 11:23 a.m.
Men who identify as women may fill the 14.29% Bangladeshi parliament seats reserved for women
The Bangladesh parliament is comprised of 350 seats. Of these seats, 50 have been reserved for women since 2010, in an attempt to increase the representation of women in politics. In December 2018, Bangladesh’s parliament saw the highest number of women to be directly elected to the Lower House – though skepticism remained about the level of influence female members of parliament would actually have in a nation with staunchly patriarchal values. Less than two months after an election result that women greeted with cautious optimism, it has been announced that biologically male transgender-identified people will be permitted to take seats allotted to women.
Stand for Women!
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July 22, 2019, 9:10 p.m.
World's first transgender footballer 'proud' to be home for Pacific Games
American Samoa's Jaiyah Saelua made headline in 2011 when she became the first transgender footballer to play in a FIFA men's world cup qualifying match. After a break from the international sporting stage, she is back in action at the Samoa 2019 XVI Pacific Games, where her side are making headlines themselves.
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Protect women's sports
July 18, 2019, 3:56 p.m.
Women warned you: Yaniv’s human rights case is the inevitable result of gender identity ideology
Women warned the media, politicians, activists, and the public about the repercussions of gender identity ideology and legislation, and now that those repercussions are being played out in real time, those warned remain silent. Oddly, the entire queer movement, the left, and all of mainstream media have been politely ignoring the absolute shit show that has been taking place at the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal this month. Oddly, journalists covering the queer beat have declined to do their jobs, despite the fact that these hearings are only taking place because of the strides the queer movement has made in its fight to make gender identity ideology law. Oddly, those who are incredibly concerned about “despicable” women who dare discuss the implications of allowing men to self-identify as women have not managed to find time to comment on an individual who filed human rights complaints against 16 women for refusing to wax his genitalia, claiming this constitutes discrimination based on
By: Meghan Murphy
Feminist Current
July 17, 2019, 9:42 p.m.
En pleno siglo XXI los derechos ganados por las mujeres en disputa
Hace unos días, Mujeres por la Abolición lograron reunir 1,000 firmas en sólo 24 horas, en defensa del feminismo y de las ponentes de la Escuela Rosario Acuña, que han defendido en Gijón la teoría y recorrido del feminismo, como una lucha cuyo sujeto son las mujeres.
By: Teresa C. Ulloa Ziáurriz
July 14, 2019, 3:18 a.m.
El transactivismo acosa a las lesbianas
Desde Mujeres por la Abolición queremos mostrar nuestro apoyo a las ponentes de la XVI Escuela feminista Rosario de Acuña. Os animamos a firmar y difundir por las compañeras y por todas nosotras, para parar esta tentativa de silenciamiento. Tenemos derecho a debatir y queremos hacerlo sin miedo.
Por en feminismo crítico y abolicionsta de género
firmar para apoyar
July 10, 2019, 1:03 p.m.
We Need Sex-Segregated Toilets to Ensure Safety of Women and Girls
Gender-neutral toilets threaten the security of women and girls, and self-ID disregards women’s need for female-only spaces. Gender-neutral toilets are a good thing. That’s only if you are rich, white and Western. If you are African, Asian, or Latin-American, sex-segregated toilets are a good thing. Nothing exposes the hypocrisy of the trans debate more than the issue of toilets. If we listen to many Western leaders, politicians and human rights activists, it is good practice, and in line with international standards of human rights, to get rid of sex-segregated toilets and allow individuals to self-ID in their toilet choice. So a boy or a man who identifies as a girl or a woman, even without any medical, or other, intervention or modification, can, and indeed must be able to, use female toilets.
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Protect women and girls
July 10, 2019, 12:50 p.m.
Four Times as Many Men in Prison Than Outside of It Say They Are Transgender
A recent survey found that the number of inmates in England and Wales who self-identify as transgender has surged to ten times previous estimates, such that one in 50 prisoners now say they are transgender. The numbers of men “transitioning to women”
Half of male trans prisoners are sex offenders
July 6, 2019, 3:44 p.m.
Fighting Tasmanian Self-ID Laws
Tasmania has become the first state to make gender optional on birth certificates. That means anyone can legally change their gender, without undergoing surgery. Marty Smiley meets the people this stands to benefit and the groups who are fighting
Help fight self-id laws
July 1, 2019, 5:03 p.m.
Feminists celebrate U‑turn on self‑id in Scotland as women’s prisons review trans policy
Scotland has shelved plans to allow people to self-declare their legal gender in what feminists said was a “major victory” for women’s rights and a “clear signal” to politicians in Westminster.
Women and Girls in Scotland
Feminists campaigning for sex based rights.