29. Januar 2022 - Dr. Renate Klein talks about Surrogacy


Mietmutterschaft: eine Menschenrechtsverletzung - Renate Klein (2018)
ISBN 978-3944442174
Surrogacy: A Human Rights Violation - Renate Klein (2017)
ISBN 978-1925581034
Broken bonds. Surrogate Mothers Speak Out - Jennifer Lahl, Melinda Tankard Reist, Renate Klein (2019)
ISBN 978-1925581553
Kind auf Bestellung: Ein Plädoyer für klare Grenzen - Eva Maria Bachinger (2015)
ISBN 978-3552062962
Towards the Abolition of Surrogate Motherhood - Marie-Josèphe Devillers (2021)
ISBN 978-1925950427


Mietmutterschaft? Nein Danke! (Surrogacy? No Thank You!) - Renate Klein, BIOSKOP Nr.84 Dezember 2018


Leihmutterschaft: Kinderhandel für den guten Zweck? (Surrogacy: Child Trafficking for a Good Cause?) Eva Maria Bachinger
Gary Powell: Why we should say no to surrogacy


Das Geschäft mit ukrainischen Leihmüttern - Babys für die Welt (The Business with Ukrainian Surrogat Mothers - Babies for the World)


The Business of Birth Control von Abbey Epstein

Networks/ Organizations

Stop Surrogacy Now
Stoppt Leihmutterschaft

18 July 2021

Rona Duwe

Only adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth

Sex reassignment surgery market

Suicide facts and myths

Tweet collection Blog Victoria Feuerstein

Sex, gender and gender identity: a re-evaluation of the evidence

Current procedure of the change of the legal registration of sex [Personenstandsänderung]

Collection of resources by Eva Engelken

„Forget What Gender Activists Tell You. Here’s What Medical Transition Looks Like"

"Gendersurgeon" on Tiktok

Publication by Rona Duwe: "Mutterwut - Muttermut"

Companies that support transgenderism

Articles on the Tavistock in UK

Documentation "Dysphoric" by filmmaker Vaishnavi Sundar

The Trans Train (Swedish docoumation with Englisch subtitles)

Documentation "Gender ideology"

Ratio of homosexual oriented young people who identify as "trans": Bungener, Steensma, Cohen-Kettenis, & de Vries (2017)

Remission of gender dysphoria without medical intervention: Singh (2012); Steemsma et al. (2013)

Persistence of gender dysphoria and unsatisfaction with one's body after surgical or pharmaceutical interventions: Steensma et al. (2013); De Vries et al. (2011)

Sex ratio of children versus teenagers who identify as "trans": Kaltiala et al. (2019)

Start of the fast growing trend of girls identifying as "trans" since 2006: Aitken et al. (2015)

Current legislation

Declaration on Women's Sex-Based Rights