2021 - read our letters of complaint to CSW
In 2021 women's groups and individual women all over the world wrote to CSW to complain about the harms that gender ideology is causing women and girls. Click the links to download.
- WHRC Mexico
- WHRC Colombia
- A woman from Australia
- LAZ Reloaded, Germany
- WHRC Brasil submission in Portuguese and English.
- WHRC Spain
- A woman from Germany
- A woman from New Zealand
- A woman from New Zealand II
- A woman from New Zealand III
- A woman from the USA
- A woman from Austria
- A woman
- A woman in Canada
- A woman in Canada II
- A woman in Canada III
- An Icelandic woman
- WHRC Germany - and letter referred to in complaint
- WHRC Argentina
- Feminist Legal Clinic, Australia