WDI weekly newsletter

News from WDI

Happy new year to all our signatories and supporters!

WHRC has a new name - Women's Declaration International

From January 2022, the Women's Human Rights Campaign (WHRC) will be known as Women's Declaration International (WDI). Our goals remain the same: the protection of women and girls’ sex-based rights. Read our statement here

New WDI Spinster account

If you are on Spinster please follow our new WDI account

New ezine from Vaishnavi Sundar

Vaishnavi Sundar, WDI country contact for India, has launched a new ezine covering India's 'gender identity' ideology. 

WDI webinars this week

WDI Feminist Question Time (FQT) takes place on Saturdays at 15.00 UK time. This week we have Helen Steel from the UK talking about the use of 'safer space' policies to evict feminists from political organisations, Thistle Pettersen from the US on her experiences of being kicked out of organisations and Ann from China on political lesbianism in China. WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives (RFP) takes place on Sundays at 10.00 UK time. This week Kathleen Lowrey and Sheila Jeffreys discuss Charlene Spretnak’s 'Anatomy of a Backlash: Concerning the Work of Marija Gimbutas'. More information on both seminars and registration details are on our website.


Open letter to Leticia Bonifaz

WDI has joined other abolitionist feminists in Latin America in signing this open letter to Leticia Bonifaz, a CEDAW expert who recently declared that men who claim to be women should be included in feminism. Please add your name if you can to either the Spanish version or English version

WDI Brasil launches #ProtegeSTF, one more try to keep prisons single sex in Brazil

In Brazil, a new Minister (the Brazilian title for judges from their Supreme Court) was recently chosen. André Mendonça might be decisive in ADPF nº 527, a lawsuit initiated by a LGBT organization called ABGLT that demands that prisons are separated by 'gender identity' instead of sex. In one more try to avoid the worse, WDI Brasil launched a hashtag, #ProtegeSTF, in order to spread the importance of protecting single-sex facilities. The original post on Instagram can be read here and they ask everyone to send it to the Court using this link, writing directly to the current Ministers and to the new Minister at [email protected].

WDI Brasil lança #ProtegeSTF, uma última tentativa de manter as prisões separadas por sexo no Brasil

Um novo Ministro (o título brasileiro para os juízes da corte suprema do país, o Supremo Tribunal Federal) foi escolhido. André Mendonça pode ser decisivo na ADPF nº 527, uma ação judicial iniciada por uma organização LGBT chamada "ABGLT" que exige que as prisões sejam separadas por "identidade de gênero" em vez de sexo.
Em mais uma tentativa para evitar o pior, a WDI Brasil lançou hoje uma hashtag, "ProtegeSTF" ("Protege STF") a fim de divulgar a importância de proteger os espaços separados por sexo. O post original no Instagram pode ser lido aqui e elas pedem a todas e todos que o enviem à Corte usando este link ou escrevendo diretamente aos Ministros e para o novo Ministro no endereço [email protected].

Sex-based rights around the world

Leaked 'messaging guide' relies on misdirection and obfuscation

A leaked 'messaging guide' published by the Transgender Law Centre and others attempts to associate gender ideology with race and economic issues.  

MP in Sierra Leone orders FGM for thousands of girls

There are reports that an MP in Sierra Leone has ordered that thousands of girls undergo FGM.

Norwegian man imprisoned for 'misgendering'

A man in Norway was convicted and sentenced to 21 days in prison for 'insulting' a man who identifies as a woman. 

LAVA launches website

Lesbian Action for Visibility in Aoteroa (NZ) has launched a new website

Male prisoners cease identifying as women on release from female prisons

Research published in the British Journal of Criminology reveals that some male prisoners have stopped claiming a female identity once released from women's prisons. 

More dangerous men locked up with women

More stories emerge from the US of dangerous men allowed to transfer to women's prisons including murderer Diego Melendez and serial killer of prostituted women Douglas Perry

Harry Miller wins case against UK College of Policing

A former police officer has won his case against the UK's College of Policing over its guidance on the recording of 'non-crime hate incidents'. 

Swimming official resigns

US swimming official Cynthia Millen resigns over the inclusion of males in female competitions. 

Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty

Ghislaine Maxwell has been convicted of trafficking female children for paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. 

Trans Journalist Association guide tells media to censor news

The Trans Journalist Association has published a guide that tells media outlets to censor stories involving trans-identified criminals and to refrain from platforming 'TERFs' or gender-critical views. Read the full guide here

News special from Brazil

Revista Marie Claire elogia travesti de esquerda com condenação por proxenetismo e longo histórico de misoginia

No dia 20 de dezembro de 2021, a edição brasileira da revista francesa Marie Claire postou em seu Instagram uma lista de '7 mulheres que fazem a diferença pelos Direitos Humanos no Brasil' (1). O sétimo nome é Indianare Siqueira, cujo nome ao nascer foi Sérgio: um travesti.

Em 2008, Indianare teve condenação por proxenetismo na França por explorar travestis brasileiros, com proibição de retornar (2). Então, se tornou um nome chave do lobby pró-prostituição brasileiro, trabalhando em conjunto com o deputado Jean Wyllys, um homem gay autor do 'Projeto de Lei Gabriela Leite' do seu partido à época, o PSOL. O projeto, felizmente não aprovado, visava a legalizar o proxenetismo - ser uma pessoa prostituída é permitido no Brasil, mas ser proxeneta era e ainda é crime, ainda que raramente pessoas sejam condenadas.

O PSOL expulsou Indianare devido a seus comportamentos horríveis contra homens e mulheres, incluindo os do próprio partido, e também devido a uma investigação de exploração sexual dentro do 'abrigo' sob o seu comando, a 'Casa Nem' (3). Filiou-se então PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores), o maior partido de esquerda da América Latina, e tentou se eleger em 2018. Seus abusos são bem conhecidos, sobretudo contra as mulheres que se opõem ao lobby proxeneta e às políticas de 'identidade de gênero', mas conta com a proteção de partidos ditos 'progressistas', ativistas LGBT e feministas liberais. Também atua no #8M do Rio de Janeiro, a construção local para o Dia Internacional da Mulher.

Indianare é a prova de que mesmo poucos indivíduos se identificando como 'trans' ou mesmo um só causa danos imensuráveis; suas ações nos últimos 10 anos e a conivência da esquerda brasileira afastou muitas militantes da política. E a Marie Claire provou que algumas mulheres, organizações e veículos de comunicação irão bem longe para protegê-los.

(1) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXuH3vehYiP/
(2) https://www.franceinter.fr/societe/indianara-siqueira-pourra-t-elle-venir-au-festival-de-cannes
(3) https://violenciatrans.wordpress.com/2020/07/29/quem-e-indianare-siqueira/ . Neste site, o relatório elaborado por seu próprio partido, o PSOL, com as razões de sua expulsão, está disponível para dowload.

Marie Claire magazine praises left transvestite convicted of pimping and with long history of misogyny

On 20 December 2021, the Brazilian edition of French magazine Marie Claire posted on its Instagram a list of '7 Women that make a difference for Human Rights in Brazil' (1). The seventh name is Indianare Siqueira, whose name on birth is Sérgio, a male transvestite.

In 2008, Indianare was convicted of pimping in France for exploiting Brazilian transvestites and forbidden to return (2). Then Indianare became a key name of Brazilian prostitution lobby, working together with congressman Jean Wyllys, the gay male author of 'Gabriela Leite Bill' from the same party of Indianare that time (PSOL). The bill, fortunately not approved, aimed to legalise pimping - being a prostituted person is allowed in Brazil, but being a pimp was and is still a crime, though very few people are convicted.

Indianare was expelled from PSOL due to poor behaviour towards men and women, including other party members, and also due to an investigation of sexual exploitation inside the 'shelter' 'Casa Nem' (3). Indianare was then admitted to PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores), the biggest left party of Latin America, and ran in elections in 2018. Indianare is known for his abuses against women, especially those that oppose pimp lobbing and 'gender identity' politics, and counts on the protection of left parties, LGBT activists and libfems. Indianare is also active on #8M Rio, the local organisation for Women's International Day.

Indianare proves that even a few trans-identifying biological males, or even only one, can do immeasurable harm; these actions in the past 10 years and the collusion of the Brazilian left pushed many women away from local politics. And Marie Claire proves that some women will go very far to protect them.


(1) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXuH3vehYiP/
(2) https://www.franceinter.fr/societe/indianara-siqueira-pourra-t-elle-venir-au-festival-de-cannes
(3) https://violenciatrans.wordpress.com/2020/07/29/quem-e-indianare-siqueira/ . On this website, the report made by the left party, PSOL, with the reasons of the expelling, is available for download.

Brazil releases sex-based national plan against femicide

On 20 December 2021, Brazil released its 'Plano Nacional de Enfrentamento ao Feminicídio', a national plan for preventing and fighting the murder of women and girls. It's the 'decreto' (a kind of law) number 10.906/2021. From its very beginning, the new law states that the deaths that the plan aims to fight against and prevents are 'violent deaths for reasons of the condition of female sex...'

Brasil lança Plano Nacional de Enfrentamento ao Feminicídio e é baseado no sexo biológico

No dia 20 de dezembro de 2021, o Brasil lançou seu 'Plano Nacional de Enfrentamento ao Feminicídio', um plano nacional para prevenir e enfrentar o assassinato de mulheres e meninas. É o Decreto nº 10.906/2021. Logo no início, a nova lei estipula que as mortes que o plano visa a enfrentar e prevenir são 'mortes violentas pela condição do sexo feminino...'

'Parágrafo único. As ações governamentais do Plano Nacional de Enfrentamento ao Feminicídio serão implementadas com vistas a combater e prevenir as mortes violentas de mulheres por razões da condição do sexo feminino e garantir os direitos e a assistência às mulheres em situação de violência e aos seus familiares'.


'Fighting the Gender Wars Stateside: A 2021 Terf Year in Review'

Kara Dansky reviews a year of grassroots organising, campaigning and advocacy in the US. 

Female Autonomy vs Gender Identity

'Female Autonomy vs Gender Identity: A critical analysis of gender identity in CEDAW jurisprudence and the Yogyakarta Principles' details how gender identity was introduced into CEDAWs general recommendations, and which also discusses the lack of clarification as to who it applies to. Thesis by Tina Minkowitz.