Weekly FQT links and resources

11 December 2021
Jesika Gonzalez
Ioana Nartea
- 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days- A film about abortion in Romania
Beth Stelzer
- Non State Torture of women & girls
- Feminist sticker packs for sale
- An analysis of Lisa Littman’s research into detransitioners
- An analysis of a study regarding detransition in patients treated at a UK Gender Clinic.
- Unsporting, a book by Linda Blade
- The Women’s Olympics and the Great Goddess https://hmeenee.com/bio and https://hmeenee.com/books

4 December 2021
Gunda Schumann
Jennifer B. Bilek
Jaclynn J
Luba Fein
Miscellaneous links about “Trans” humanism
- https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-future-of-the-lgbt-movement-may-involve-transhumanism_b_7657388
- https://www.openglobalrights.org/delinking-the-human-from-human-rights-artificial-intelligence-and-transhumanism
- https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/06/investigative-reports/a-leap-toward-humanitys-destruction
- https://www.corbettreport.com/qfc082-trans-humanism
- https://archive.md/d3dOt
Other links
- The need to abolish marriage
- FIST is launching a feminist education program in 2022 called “Our radical feminist roots", studying the history of First and Second Wave. Open to all feminists.
- Ireland-77 people quizzed for buying sex in Garda crackdown
GC coming out day

27 November 2021
Christina Ellingsen
- FZ - Autonomous Women Lesbian Female Immigrant Girls Centre’s site
- Petition to safeguard the Frauenzentrum (FZ -Women’s center)
- Vienna's Last Women-Only Feminist Space Threatened with Cancellation
Arussi Unda
Peggy Luhrs
Revfem Rebellion- Jennifer Thomas & Joy Gray

20 November 2021
Vaishnavi Sundar
- WHRC India - blogs, Twitter, Youtube and Facebook
- 'Transgender' Health Clinics Open in India Through Fenway Institute & Johns Hopkins Partnership
Naisten rintama ry
Denise McKenna
- London Reclaim the Night 2021. Saturday 27th Nov 6pm. Women only march:
https://fb.me/e/1V9kHxuNp and http://www.reclaimthenight.co.uk
- PSA: Canada’s Ethics Committee hearings on Pornhub: Canada a destination country for online demand for rape, torture, and humiliation of women and girls.
- Email MSPs to reform Scotland's unjust prostitution laws

13 November 2021
Amparo Domingo
- WHRC Spain After WHRC changed it's name to WDI. WDI Spain moved to a new website. MRAs took over the old site and it is now a porn site. Please visit the site at WDI Spain instead.
Tania Sturt
Kara Dansky
- London Reclaim the Night 2021! Saturday 27th Nov 6pm. Women only.
- https://fb.me/e/1V9kHxuNp
- http://www.reclaimthenight.co.uk
- 2020 The Year We Were All Cancelled by Stella Perrett

6 November 2021
Marina Terragni
Milli Hill
- Bank Account of Dutch Feminist Organization Cancelled for "Transphobia"
- WHRC USA announces the filing of an Amicus Brief in landmark federal litigation on “gender identity”
- US National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality and briefing room statement
- Nolan Investigates Stonewall
- Overview of Feminist-based activism
- WHRC Spain responses to Ley Trans

30 October 2021
Janice Raymond
- Doublethink: A Feminist Challenge to Transgenderism:
- A Passion for Friends
Spinifex Press
- You told me you were different: an anthology of harm
- Guidance on libraries statutory duty to provide a statutory service in the UK, including information about making a complaint as well as stating the issues that means that you think the library service is not comprehensive.
- Terf is a Slur
- The text of CEDAW
- Lesbians being pressured to have sex with AGP men
- Surviving the cult of queer
- Parents with inconvenient truths about "trans"
- Support network for parents who wish to protect their children from gender ideology:
WHRC Brazil

23 October 2021
Jeanne Sarson & Linda MacDonald
- Women Unsilenced
- The Patriarchal “Non-State Torture War” Against Women and Girls
Eva Gastañaga
Susan Breen
- Deep Green Resistance
- Ecofeminist event, The Girls and the Grasses
- Scottish study into women's head injuries in prison
- Female offending and brain injury
- A Woman's Place is (not) in prison, an event organised by Woman's Place UK and the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies.
- The Direct Action Movement
- Hagia the International Academy for Modern Matriarchal Societies and Matriarchal Spirituality
- The Suppressed Histories Archives (Max Dashu)
- An interview with Heide Goettner-Abendroth
- Women's Climate Strike
- Books by: Heide Goettner-Abendroth
- Modern Matriarchal Studies

16 October 2021
Eugenia Rodrigues
Anna Kerr
Rochelle Dean
- The Guardian & gender ideology
- UN “Women”
- Object Now- Protest against Surrogacy
- Bill Gates and cell cultured breast milk (Bio Milq)
- Women Who Shaped the Universal Declaration of Human rights
- Dianne Post- Several feminist articles about prostitution, violence against women, human trafficking etc.

9 October 2021
Eugenia Rodrigues
Denise McKenna
- Link to WIT survey and email
Valerie Pelletier
Kellie-Jay Keen (Posie Parker)
- Main Youtube channel
- Hear Me Roar video
- Lancet video

2 October 2021
Correct email for the Woman Is This survey: [email protected]
Maria Dmytrtiyeva: Hungarian feminist group
Sally Wainwright: Audacious Women’s festival and Women Speak Scotland
Cherry Smiley: Women’s Studies Online
Jan Williams: OBJECT

25 September 2021
Tae Kyung Kim
- Recommended book: Kim Ji-young: Born 1982
- Women Speak! Radical Feminist Organizing in South Korea
- Korean feminists’ video with English subtitles
- Interviews of young feminists (In Korean) and here
- An organization in the US by Helen Hwang, a Korean feminist scholar - and here. Mago is Korean name for Great Goddess
- Webinar organised by Merched Cymru on Sex, Sexuality & Reality

18 September 2021
Claudine Letsae
- The Green Party Leadership debate on LBC, Wikipedia and the Green Party website
- Sian Berry Resignation via Twitter
- Call for civilised debate
- Dentons document - Spectator article and Graham Linehan Substack
- Claudine Letsae's Twitter account:
Eleanor Scott
- Human Rights
- Wales's LGBTQI+ action plan and on Merched Cymru's website
- Merched Cymru's resource page
- Merched Cymru's rally
- Merched Cymru's newsletter
- Merched Cymru's webinars
Marie-Josephe Devillers
- Prof Robert Wintemute pushing GRA reform 2018:
- Canadian sex trade survivor fired from her job because she criticized the endangerment of women in shelters
- Keep prisons single sex- activism in Canada

11 September 2021
Cristina Gramolini
Lucia Giansiracusa
- To buy the book, “Noi, le lesbiche”
Roberta Trucco
- To buy her book “Il mio nome è Maria Maddalena”
- https://continuumconcept.org/ Another book mentioned by Roberta in her novel.
Linda Hart
- Download Linda's talk on Sex and Gender in Finnish Politics 2021
- WHRC’s response to gender ideologues keeping spreadsheets of our signatories
- Self-Identification in New Zealand
- Rebecca Solnit cancels her interview with Marina Terragni
- Can the plan. A response to the Welsh Government’s LGBTQ+ Action Plan
- KIRJO - site in Finnish and English on starting a conversation about gender ideology - uses some gender ideology language
4 September 2021
Feminist question time held on Saturday the 4th of September, 21
Anna Kerr
Help support the Feminist Legal Clinic Inc.:
- Paypal
- Membership
- The Sydney Council and its decision against the Feminist Legal Clinic :
Shelley Christina
- https://www.cawsbar.ca/
- https://www.womenmattercanada.com/
- https://wethefemales.com/actions/
- Canada Dept. of Justice legal definitions
- Candidate's Pledge for Canada
- The Australian Breastfeeding Association
- Unwanted pregnancies
- Keira Bell’s Courage Has Impact In Australia
- The Texas abortion ban
- Roe v. Wade
- Abortion
On October 16TH, 2021, FQT will be presented from the Filia Conference in UK.

28 August 2021
Borbála Juhász
Ana Hidalgo:
- DoFemCo (Docentes Feministas por la Coeducación)
- The Feminist Legal Clinic
- WHRC Afghanistan page
- Desist, Detrans and Detox
- The Gender Mapper
- Support for parents whose children have ROGD (N.B the site use the term TW) - Genspect and Gender Challenge
- Partners for Ethical Care
- Resources for lobbying
- Guide on Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention on Human Rights- Right to education
- Petition to Keep Milli Hill as Keynote Speaker at Midwifery Conference

21 August 2021
- WHRC page on supporting women and girls in Afghanistan.
- Coverage on the Feminist Legal Clinic - on Youtube and Sky News
- Examining 'Gender Identity' ideology and its impact on women's sex-based protections.
- Body modification - Sheila Jeffreys
- Mass Psychology

14 August 2021
Ioana Petra
Sapataria Podcast
Miscellaneous Links
- Sex segregated prisons
- Non-violent direct action
- The Czech Pirate Party
- Various articles re. discrepancies in women’s healthcare
- https://www.pih.org/article/women-still-face-big-gaps-in-access-to-health-care
- https://www.sheknows.com/health-and-wellness/articles/2002411/women-of-color-health-care/
- https://www.prevention.com/health/mental-health/a33686468/black-women-mental-health-crisis/
- https://theconversation.com/gender-bias-in-medicine-and-medical-research-is-still-putting-womens-health-at-risk-156495
- https://www.wellandgood.com/black-women-access-mental-health/
- WHRC UN Submissions
- WHRC Brazil’s Instagram account
- https://www.commondreams.org/views/2015/06/15/jenner-dolezal-one-trans-good-other-not-so-much

7 August 2021
Ann Menasche
- Dialogue Not Expulsion
- What Happened at the Wisconsin Green Party Fall Gathering 2020
- Dialogue Not Expulsion testimony
- Andrea Carey-Fuller on why she resigned from the Green Party of England and Wales and Green Left.
- The infrastructure bill which will enshrine Gender Identity in U.S. federal law.
- Tips re. non-violent direct action
- The great reset
- Gender Ideology and belief
- The ERA is captured by Queer activism
- The Guardian and MRA funding
- Sovereign Women Speak

31 July 2021
Belissa Cohen
Cubana Angel’s press conference re. Wi Spa
Linda Macdonald & Jeanne Sarson
Persons Against Non-State Torture (NST)
The Patriarchal “Non-State Torture War” Against Women and Girls
New Feminist Book Breaks the Silence on Male Torture of Women Deemed “too brutal to read,” Jeanne Sarson and Linda MacDonald’s “Women Unsilenced” defies the threat that “No one will believe you.
The London Abused Women Centre
The Australian Breastfeeding Association and male lactation

24 July 2021
Kath Aiken
- Complain to the UN about the harms of gender ideology - link in 21 July newsletter.
- Download Kath's notes and slides.
Holly Lawford-Smith’s references
Download Holly's notes.
- Davis, Angela. ‘Racism in the Woman Suffrage Movement’, in Women, Race & Class (UK: Penguin [1981] 2019), Chapter 4, pp. 61-75. Feminist Heretics.
- Catharine MacKinnon | White Woman’, YouTube, 8th December 2020.
- Feng, Lydia. “Australian study finds risk of sexual assault and violence significantly higher for trans women of colour”, ABC News, 26th June 2020.
- Lawford-Smith, Holly. ‘Gaming Intersectionality’, YouTube, 19th June 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiFhXDkzrtQ&
- Lawford-Smith, Holly., & Phelan, Kate. “The Metaphysics of Intersectionality Revisited”, Journal of Political Philosophy (2021) [early view].
- MacKinnon, Catharine. “From Practice to Theory, or What is a White Woman Anyway?”, Yale Journal of Law and Feminism 4/13 (1991), pp. 13-22.
- Sovereign Women Speak event on August 20-23
- Instagram recommendations: https://www.instagram.com/rad_to.the.bone/ and https://www.instagram.com/thedeprogrammerxx/channel/?hl=en
- Jennifer Bilekhttps://www.the11thhourblog.com/post/breaking-and-entering

17 July 2021
Résistance Lesbienne: https://linktr.ee/resistancelesbienne
Amanda Stulman:
Zoe Blunt: Email
Miscellaneous links:
- Pull back the curtain USA protests against gender clinics
- A women's prison protest on August 21st in Seattle
- In Defence of Separatism (book)
- An article by Jess Williams about Gender ideology in Australia
- Article on sex selection
- Born not Worn (song)
10 July 2021
Elizabeth Miller
- Spinning & Weaving
- Buy from Tidal Time Publishing
Calypso La Grange
Catherine Karena
- ACON annual reports
Miscellaneous links:
On how big changes apparently "come out of nowhere"
- Diffusion of innovations
- Technology adoption life cycle
- Evangelists, Skeptics, and Those in the Middle
- Technology, innovation and management
- https://www.open.edu/openlearn/ocw/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=27445&printable=1
- Tools to analyse weak signals
- Entertainment-Education
- Petition requiring the sex of VATP & sexual offenders be recorded throughout justice system
Indecent exposure

3 July 2021
Webinar held on Saturday the 3rd of July, 2021
Linda Blade
- Linda Blade's letter re. The Olympic Games & integrity
- Website advocating for sport categories to continue to be based on biological sex.
Uno Ishigami
- Japan Sports Association pamphlet
- The tweet of British Ambassador to Japan
- Article on the same subject: “Britain's ambassador’s tweet calling on the Japanese government to provide “political leadership”
- Japanese Radical Feminists on Twitter
- Uno Ishigami’s Twitter account
Other links
- Boxer challenges Olympic rules after missing out because of maternity leave
- Dates for protest re. Men in the Olympic Women's Games
- Women’s Sports Policy Working Group

26 June 2021
Laila Namdarkhan
Parliamentary session: regarding mixed sexed wards
Stefanie Bode:
Petition against the gender identity law in Germany
Miscellaneous links
Letter to the Lord Mayor of Sydney:
Article re. Patient called transphobic after asking for female clinician
Angela Wild’s review of Material Girls
Resistance Lesbienne- Lesbian Pride

19 June 2021
Camille Girard
Contact WHRC in France
Article about abortions due to China’s one child policy.
Iza Palinska
Polish crowdfunding link
For more info about the Feminist Strikes in Poland
Batya Weinbaum
Feminist blog which published some of her articles: https://xxamazons.org/
particularly: www.xxamazons.org/where-has-all-the-feminism-gone
Miscellaneous links
Article about men in women’s prisons
Info regarding Save Women’s Sports bill:
Ohio's Bill, Save Women's Sports has a second hearing next week. If you could send a letter or call the office and support this bill, we would appreciate it. Males now have the opportunity to take away girls' hard-earned sports scholarships by self-identifying as women. The state is actually encouraging young girls to be on testosterone (a doping drug) to compete in male sports. Contact: Madeleine Castle
Legislative Aide to Representative Jena Powell
Ohio’s 80th House District
Office: 614.466.8114
77 S High Street, 11th Floor
A documentary about the sex industry in Spain:
Kara Dansky’s article re. the phrases: “trans people”
Spanish Feminist Manifesto 26th June’s activity

12 June 2021
Download Tish's slides here.
Contacts: Blog or Twitter at @STILLTish
Some of the foundations funding Transgender Ideology include: The Barings Foundation, The Astraea Lesbian Foundation, The Arcus Foundation and the Open Society Foundation.
Denton’s report
Other links:
Laetitia van Haren
Miscellaneous links:
Re. Maya Forstater from WHRC Brazil
WHRC Bolivia’s Instagram:
Petition to accurately record the sex of people charged or convicted of rape or attempted rape:
Blog for/by Gender Critical Greens and on the fight within the US Green Party

5 June 2021
Re. Info on criminal transfer to women’s prisons
Thulasi Muttulingam
A longer interview with Thulasi by Vaishnavi Sundar on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vXCXpClMu0&list=WL&index=27
Petition Re. Self ID laws in Germany

29 May 2021
Christina Ellingsen:
Kajsa Ekis Ekman:
New book: "On the Existence of Sex" - in Swedish: "Om könets existens"
Lesbofeminismo – Lesbian Socialist magazine (in Spanish)
Mexico: the male politicians registering as women
Contra El Borrado de Mujeres en Mexico
Un programa para niñas en latinoamérica: Fourth Latin American Thought Seminar on the Rights of the Child
Women’s Declaration Espanol Facebook page
Other links:
Article by Maria Binetti in Tribuna Feminista (in Spanish)
The trans rights that trump all – article by Julie Bindel and Melanie Newman
Linda Blade’s book Unsporting is No 1 in Canadian Amazon chart
WHRC YouTube

22 May 2021
LGB Fight Back in the US
The 2 spirit myth
Charlotte Garrett, educator & Provincial Coordinator for WHRC Canada
Gender identity poll:
Dominica National Council of Women
WHRC's own webinar in French
Ali Morris -Merched Cymru- Group of women in Wales who are resisting gender identity ideology
and https://www.facebook.com/MerchedCymru/
background to how Merched Cymru questioned candidates https://merchedcymru.wales/2021/05/04/sex-in-the-senedd-what-the-candidates-said-or-didnt-say
Sarah Tanburn
Sarah speaking at LGB Alliance’s The Gay Spot
Other links and comments
- Other groups apart from Stonewall pushing gender ideology in the U.K. Mesmac, GIRES, Gendered Intelligence, Mermaids, Scottish Trans Alliance, All Parliamentary Group for LGBT, Kaleidoscope Trust, LGBT foundation, Trans Media Watch, Kite Trust
- UK House of Commons Debate
- UK: Protest by transgender community over Women's Place UK meeting
- UK: Manchester Feminist Network, Northern RadFem Network, Yes Matters & Make More Noise are organising a Women's March 3rd July .. more info soon

15 May 2021
Lesbian Spring Festival
https://lft2021.de/ - Join and support from next Friday https://lft2021.de/programm/
Donations for the LFT2021 can be made via:
PayPal: [email protected]
Lesbenfrühlingstreffen/LFT vor Ort e. V.
Sparkasse Bremen
IBAN: DE58 2905 0101 0082 7387 33
Cristina Gramolini:
ArciLesbica’s book: We The Lesbians (in Italian)
Zoe Blunt/Women’s Land:
History of lesbian land in the US: Sinister Wisdom 98 / Southern Landykes | Sinister Wisdom
Maize catalogue of women's lands in USA – possibly out of print now
List of all women’s lands can be found in Lesbian Connection Magazine (lconline.org)
Radical Feminists of Canada (radfems.blogspot.com)
About lesbian land (in french) " Utopie d'une lesbienne voyageuse"
Any woman who is serious about setting up a Women's Land/ Intentional Lesbian Community please email [email protected] and we can put you in touch with a woman who has land and houses in Bulgaria.
Book: Lesbian Land - edited by Joyce Cheney
Polina Teploukhova:
soundcloud @inspiteandespite
document with links to her music, the political journal she is a part of (in Russian but they’re planning to move to English too) and the text of her speech https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YcTCnAMnXDC088nXNyzqvBK_UnFCknvWHbqrSII3BNU/edit?usp=sharing
Angela Wild:
https://www.lesbianmetoo.com twitter: @lesbianMetoo
Other links:
Lesbian Space in Manchester UK on Aug 28th https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/urban-angels
Donate to Vancouver Rape Relief: https://rapereliefshelter.bc.ca/donate/
Lesbian feminist national gathering in France: 5 to 8 August 2021 https://www.facebook.com/events/394716214897992/
Elie Vandenbussche Rhine_Wall Uni - Detransition-Related Needs and Support: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey - PubMed (nih.gov)
You can view the FQT intro clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyHVz6wG1NE

8 May 2021
Gunda Schumann:
Lesbian Spring Festival (LFT), Bremen Germany 21-23 May 2021
Donate to their PayPal-Account
You can also donate here for the LFT2021
Rachel Moran:
Paid for: My Journey Through Prostitution by Rachel Moran (goodreads.com)
Genevieve Gluck/Women’s Voices:
The TRUTH about Sissy Hypno Porn with Genevieve Gluck - YouTube
Other links:
Debbie Cameron’s history of “gender”
About fetishes: http://www.genderpsychology.org/transsexual/dsm_iv.html
UK: women’s discos are being organised: invite to a women only disco on 28th August 2021 in Manchester UK
Women’s stories of conflicts of rights -
UK: Liberal Voice for Women hosts Helen Lewis talking about her book “Difficult Women” - Monday 10/05/21 at 19:00 BST
Kara Dansky article on ACLU
Janice Raymond – Not a Choice, Not a Job
Sheila Jeffreys – The Industrial Vagina
Kathleen Barry - The Prostitution of Sexuality https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt9qg779
Kathleen Barry - Female Sexual Slavery Female sexual slavery (1981 edition) | Open Library
Monique Villa - Slaves Among Us
Julie Bindel – The Pimping of Prostitution

1 May 2021
Maya Forstater:
Other links:
Radfem organisation in Serbia which published the first text openly critical of BDSM in Serbian https://www.instagram.com/zenska.solidarnost/
Ohio ROGD parents support group and email
WHRC shop where you can get merch WHRC Chogou Embroidery & Printing
Australian blog: https://www.criticalthinkinginapassiveworld.com/blog/manipulation-is-key

24 April 2021
Beth Stelzer
Emma Hilton:
you can also find Emma's research here
Other sports links:
Available on 4od online in UK: legal drama 'The Good Fight' (series 4: episode 6) about trans in women’s sport: The Good Fight - All 4 (channel4.com)
WHRC Brasil Instagram, a post about sports
UK consultation on the new RFU trans inclusion policy for rugby
Similar consultation by British Cycling
MtF trans-identified men playing in men's national football squad: Football and the third gender: Jaiyah Saelua's story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U86cM419pFM
Other misc. links:
Official WHRC t-shirts and hoodies available here WHRC Chogou Embroidery & Printing
Write to challenge defamation by magazine “The Progressive” April/May 2021/page 40-41 [email protected]
Denver feminists needed to help with THE RIDE: A WOMAN'S REBELLION - About (weebly.com) - working to break the media blackout, by riding motorcycles across America, picketing and holding rallies etc.

17 April 2021
Ghada Jabbour:
Kafa (Enough) https://kafa.org.lb/
Kafa Facebook KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation | Facebook
Grace Star:
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie interview: https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-39271690
Male Daughters, Female Husbands: Gender and Sex in an African Society (2015) by Professor Ifi Amadiume
Yadira Del Mar:
Yadira's short stories in Spanish: www.femfutura.org/dos-cuentos-de-yadira-del-mar/
Vaishnavi Sundar:
Dysphoric Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8taOdnXD6o&t=48s - now available with subtitles in seven languages
Other links:
FIST book launch - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/book-launch-for-spinning-weaving-radical-feminism-for-the-21st-century-tickets-149484007691
buy Spinning and Weaving in the US: https://www.tidaltimepublishing.com/our-books?fbclid=IwAR0TrCj1pEkOxVl_EpjYOrUfEgmcFzSRer1DN7kI43uPmBhWyUfSQsjYq6A
England rugby trans survey date has been extended: please "strongly disagree" with the policy here: https://englandrugby.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ehQc2DcoklwKKuq
UK Therapists petition about conversion therapy:

10 April 2021
Alix Aharon:
The Gender Mapper is @gendermapper on Twitter and Facebook
Our Mission | Stop Medicalizing Children (transgenderabuse.org)
Elie from Post trans:
https://post-trans.com/Detransition-Booklet - booklets are available on the post-trans website, and in the UK via Transgender Trend
Yua Nakamoto:
Yua referred to this article in her talk: https://medium.com/the-establishment/japanese-cartoon-porn-helped-me-understand-my-trans-identity-d5bba16cdaf3
Related links:
Link to WHRC webinar in August 2020 about Yogyakarta principles Fatina Liza (LGB Alliance) - Where did gender identity ideology come from? - YouTube
The trans rights that trump all | Julie Bindel and Melanie Newman | The Critic Magazine – news on how professor of human rights Robert Wintemute, one of the original authors of Yogyakarta Principles, now has regrets and says women's rights were not raised
Facebook group: Loving Lesbian Life! Loving Lesbian Life! | Facebook
Feedback requested before 16 April by England Rugby on their proposed policy: Transgender policy (englandrugby.com)
About Ovarit: https://genderheretics.org/index.php/2020/08/03/gender-critical-reddit-has-gotten-ovarit-and-so-have-we/
Amputees by choice: body integrity identity disorder and the ethics of amputation: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15948330/
Swedish book just launched about the new view on sex/gender, "Om könets existens" by Kajsa Ekis Ekman. Only in Swedish. ISBN: 9789177954552 https://www.bokforlagetpolaris.se/om-koenets-existens/t-0/9789177954552
A book about the problems with male humans: https://www.scribd.com/book/182571906/Manthropology-The-Science-of-Why-the-Modern-Male-Is-Not-the-Man-He-Used-to-Be

3 April 2021
Report from France by Florence Humbert
links to the video of attacks on women protesters in Paris 7 March:
Links to the 3 short videos by NOUES FEMMES
Julie Bindel's interview with Marguerite Stern: https://thecritic.co.uk/the-radical-feminist-campaigner-who-has-nothing-left-to-lose/
Women in Prison
Heather Mason:
The last time CSC was allowed to deploy men's sites to women's sites. P4W April 1994 Strip searching incident. Viewers discretion is advised.
Creating Choices report
Security Classification and Penitentiary Placement
Recent discussion with Heather and Rhona Hotchkiss and Geároid O’Loingsigh
Article about protests in Kitchener, CA Canadian women's groups demanding removal of male inmates from women's prisons - KitchenerToday.com (archive.fo)
Prisons US:
For an expanded discussion on the legal ramifications of President Biden’s EO 13988 and the US Equality Act for the Bureau of Prisons, including citations of case law, see Bureau of Prisons and Executive Order 13988
Brochure on the US Equality Act, the exec order, and women in prisons in the United States
Some further background on males claiming female identity in women’s prisons in the US
US women who want to help can also go here https://www.nationalcouncil.us/
Jessica Williams:
Kate Coleman:
(3) Women Will Not Submit - YouTube
Prisons UK
Other stuff:

27 March 2021
Vanessa Vokey on YouTube
Other stuff:
Graham Linehan on the Challenor case
"Woman jailed after being found with thousands of 'depraved' child abuse images” - not a woman but a man
Reproduction without pregnancy: would it really emancipate women?
Books & articles:
- Keith Harmon Snow - The Worst Interests of the Child: The Trafficking of Children and Parents Through U.S. Family Courts
- Adrienne Rich - Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence (1980) RichCompulsoryHeterosexuality.pdf (uoa.gr)
- Vera Whisman: Queer By Choice: Lesbians, Gay Men, and The Politics of Identity
- Bev Jo, Dykes-Loving-Dykes
- Marilyn Frye, “Willful Virgin or Do You Have to Be a Lesbian to Be a Feminist”
- Sonia Johnson, Going Out of Our Minds: Metaphysics of Liberation
- Ann E Menasche: Leaving the Life: Lesbians, Ex-Lesbians and the Heterosexual Imperative 1999 - Onlywoman Press.

20 March 2021
Articles from Linda Louis' talk
The sex binary is not a Western construct, gender identity is

13 March 2021
Marie-Josèphe Devillers:
International Coalition for the Abolition of Surrogate Motherhood
ICASM will be organising another webinar on surrogacy. You can also ask to receive their newsletter every 2 months (news on surrogacy around the world) Contact: [email protected]
ICASM draft convention on the abolition of surrogacy
To oppose the HCCH project on parentage/surrogacy please sign here
About gay men supporting the anti surrogacy movement :
In French
In Spanish
Maria Binetti:
"Latin American Manifesto against Surrogacy" – please sign and support:
Ghislaine Gendron:
How Canada Became an International Surrogacy Destination
Renate Klein:
You can subscribe to Spinifex's newsletter & get updates re. publications here
Spinifex's 30th anniversary event
Other surrogacy links and resources:
Article about “Big Fertility: it’s all about the money”, documentary by Jennifer Lahl
Article by Jennifer Lahl
Sheila Jeffreys’ article on the need for revolutionary feminism, arguing that male domination is based upon the ownership of women's reproductive bodies:
Canadian documentary Bio-Dad
looks at the consequences ON THE CHILDREN of manufactured babies
Serial sperm donor: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/01/health/sperm-donor-fertility-meijer.html
Surrogacy Market revenue to cross $27.5 billion by 2025: Global Market Insights, Inc. https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/12/16/1960684/0/en/Surrogacy-Market-revenue-to-cross-27-5-billion-by-2025-Global-Market-Insights-Inc.html
Other stuff:
Spanish social media por Women's Declaration:
Twitter: @DeclaracionDDMM
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WomensDeclarationSpanish
https://ngocsw65forum.us2.pathable.com/ - link to the UN NGO CSW virtual forum
Uk women’s coop bookseller: www.newsfromnowhere.org.uk

6 March 2021
The Countess Didn’t Fight For This, Ireland
Constance Markievicz
Erasing Women from Irish History
The Countess Didn’t Fight For This webinar on Monday 8 March
RadFem Italia
Facebook page
Centre For Civil Courage, Croatia
Vancouver Women’s Space, Canada
Anti-pornography & prostitution research group, Japan:
Alika Kinan Foundation, Argentina
Women Campaigning on Air pollution - Mar 8, 2021 01:00 PM London - Register in advance for this meeting
Communist Party UK IWD event: VICTORY THROUGH STRUGGLE - WOMEN IN ACTION - commemorate this day for working class women. View on zoom link here
TERF is a slur | Documenting the abuse, harassment and misogyny of transgender identity politics
UK House of Lords debate
Irish Women’s Lobby IWD webinar
and Facebook

27 February 2021
Stephanie Davies-Arai:
Transgender Trend - Who Are We? - Transgender Trend
Article from UK newspaper on illegal puberty blockers still being prescribed
Stephane Mitchell:
Eugenia Rodrigues:
No Corpo Certo (articles in Portuguese but many references and hyperlinks to materials in english)
YouTube channel
Tina Traster:
Other articles and resources:
Senator Rand Paul questions Dr. Rachel Levine, President Biden’s pick as Assistant Secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), who advocates for the use of puberty blockers and the medical transition of minors.
Forbes article - Trans tech is a budding industry so why is no-one investing?
Bayswater Support for parents seeking alternatives to medicalisation
Dysphoric, documentary by Vaishnavi Sundar:
Zach Elliot on biology of sex
Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine
4thWaveNow A community of people who question the medicalization of gender-atypical youth
Safe Schools Alliance UK - Putting Safeguarding First
FB & Twitter accounts:
Black Femicide – US
TheGenderMapper - report unethical gender care worldwide. Documents how many paediatric gender clinics there are in the US, as well as accounts of harm done to kids.
Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics Inc. ReIME (@RethinkIME) / Twitter
Abigail Shrier - 'Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters'
Freedom of Mind - Steven Hassan (about cults)
Download a guide to WHRC, CSW, CEDAW and the UN here
Dutch webinar about CSW parallel event: op 25 maart hebben
SOGI submission on violence and discrimination based on SOGI – deadline extended
https://www.criticalthinkinginapassiveworld.com/ Australian gender-critical news
Speeches in the UK House of Lords: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQRGV3Yy6C-OKsrkQVdVjtw/videos
Lindsay Platoshyn podcast: http://lindsayplatoshynart.com/distorted-linds

20 February 2021
Lierre Keith:
Lierre's website
Order Bright Green Lies in the USA
Get the book here in the UK
Susan Hawthorne:
Lesbians in Kenya refugee camps need our help - Morning Star
Order Vortex: The Crisis of Patriarch in Australia here and in the UK here.
Kate Graham:
PDF of Gyn/Ecology by Mary Daly
Other links:
NVDA/direct action/organising collectively: https://www.thedirectactionmovement.com/
Women and animal rights: http://www.farinc.org/far_articles.html
Vegan book with intro by Mary Daly: https://iupress.org/9780253205193/rape-of-the-wild/
Anne Ehrlich translated Dee Graham's "Loving to Survive" from English to German, and she gave a speech in German on Graham's "Societal Stockholm Syndrome", available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1udF1JKSr0M
new economy: https://www.maternalgifteconomymovement.org/ & Heide Goettner Abendroth – matriarchy studies - www.hagia.de
Feminist Economics by the European Women's Lobby 2020: https://womenlobby.org/IMG/pdf/purplepact_publication_web.pdf
WHRC Brazil channel on Youtube

13 February 2021
Links relating to Marie-Claire Faray’s presentation “Black African Women's Peace and Security: Addressing social class, race and sex identities”:
M-C Faray’s last written paper / blog using sex-based rights / biology to address VAW is still online on the UK WILPF website
Congolese activist, Marie-Claire Faray campaigns to end violence against women work - video from CNN
Kimpa Vita - Did Kongolese Catholicism Lead to Slave Revolutions
The Manden Charter Proclaimed in Kurukan Fuga
Nobel Peace Winner Denis Mukwege lecture
3 women accused in Russia of murder of their father
Vaishnavi Sundar's film Dysphoric
For all DYSPHORIC updated links, go to Vaishnavi’s Facebook
Vaishnavi's website
Asiaville News article
Rich White Men Instituting Transgender Ideology - The Federalist
Audacious Women 2021 programme
Support the WHRC USA on Patreon
US women respond to Biden’s EO and the impending “Equality Act” by picketing the White House on March 8th! Please join us in spirit and support & visit our website
And join us on FB

6 February, 2021
Links relating to Rosa's answer to this question at 00:55:25
- Tony Zarb labels protesting women as traitors, likens them to prostitutes
- Medals galore!
- Gender-Based Violence Commission blasts Robert Musumeci for 'misogynistic' comments
Link relating to Rosa's answer to a question about schools in Malta: Will children choose their gender now?
To join WHRC Ontario please email [email protected]
Dysphoric: A Documentary Series by Vaishnavi Sundar: Dysphoric
Update on our struggle within the Green Party of the United States:
- Georgia Party Responds to the Lavender Caucus Complaint
- Ann Menasche Responds to the Lavender Caucus Complaint
Statement from the Not Feminist Library
Female Erasure (the book) :Female Erasure and some reviews
You can see more of this horror in my instagram account: “anajulia.brl”
Link for other fantastic webinars: www.objectnow.org
Gender Identity Challengefrom Norway: Gender Identity Challenge
You are all invited to the (virtual) Launch of the Audacious Women Festival (19-21 Feb Programme) and opening of the amazing photography exhibition Words About Town on Friday 5th February @ 19:00 GMT. Venue: The Crystal MacMillan Café - find it here: Audacious Women Festival
Women’s rights in NI: there is a consultation for a Bill of Rights for NI at the moment: Northern Ireland Consultation. It"s open until 5 Feb. Sex not mentioned at all.
Check out the article in the Economist on gender identity: Putting trans women in female prisons sets up a clash of rights
Transpeople grooming young people, acting as "glitter Moms": The Secret Tactics of Glitter Moms: A Tale of Betrayal and Grooming
Feminist Post: FEMINIST POST Radfem Italia
How can we prove it when the proof is obvious and they do nothing but deny it? The 11th hour Blog Archives
Yes to 11th Hour Blog! The 11th hour
Rich white men institutionalising Transgender ideology by Jennifer Bilek:The Federalist
Kara Dansky's recent interviews: on Tucker Carlson and the Good Morning San Diego show
The reality of sex , one pager The reality of sex
The Dentons Document at Graham Linehan and Gender Abolition
Pronouns are Rohypnol by Barra Kerr
Fair Play For Women - Pronouns
Interview with Laoise Uí Aodha de Brún: It's easier to change your legal sex than to be Irish....